Monday, January 25, 2010


1 million homeless?!?!?! Where do we go from here? Any thoughts as to how we solve a problem of this scope?


  1. I think it would be awesome, if the annual house they build over at the career center went to a Charity, helping out with Haiti relief. It would give some kids over there, a chance to really feel good about making the house, and also it would be going to a place, that really needs it. :]

  2. Im not too familiar with the program your talking about... Care to elaborate for me?

  3. I agree with 'love is all we need'. I think that would be an awesome thing to do.

  4. Every year, the construction kids at the Career Center build a house so they know how.. i guess. Maybe it uses a lot of different building techniques? I don't know I don't go over.
    Anyway, they build this big house, people come and see it, and then they jsut tear the whole thing down. I think that "love is all we need" had a great idea. They don't do anything with it, why not use their efforts to help other people?
